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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Flower Arranging 101

Love flowers but have no idea how to display them? Take Martha Stewart's Flower Arranging 101 course (includes basic tips and six lessons).

Fresh flowers, whether just cut from the garden or brought home from the local florist or market, are like a bundle of sunshine, a gift from nature that glows with good cheer. You can plunk them in any old vase, but if you know just a few tricks, it’s easy to create much more felicitous and original displays.

Decoding Laundry Labels

Martha Stewart Online offers a free pdf file to help you in the laundry room.


Looking for information on Creation Science? Then, stop by the Institute for Creation Research "where science and the Bible are fully integrated". You can listen to their radio program, shop in the online store, or visit their free museum in Santee, Ca.

Support Our Troops

Show your support for our troops. There are many ways we can care for our fighting men and women: care packages, letters, donating frequent flyer miles and phone cards, monetary donations, flying the U.S. flag, and praying for their safety.

Choosing Home

I didn't "choose" home so much as I firmly planted my feet and refused to budge. For a long time I felt like an oak tree in a hurricane: being blown from all sides, unable to bend, and perpetually in danger of being uprooted. After ten years it's become easier but it always helps to find more encouragement. Today, Victoria announced a "Housewarming Party" for a new website: Choosing Home. See below or here for more details.

It's a House-Warming Party to celebrate the grand opening of Choosing Home and you are invited!

Ok, so what exactly are we talking about here? Well, Jenna and I were looking for some articles on the topic of being at home, and thought this would be a fun way to do it (ok, actually, it was all Jenna's idea--I just enthusiastically agreed with her!), especially since we know so many of you have so much to offer women out there! So here's the scoop:

Topic: Choosing to Be at Home

Subject Matter: Anything to do with above topic.

Examples: Share your story of how you made the decision to be a "full-time-at-home" woman, tips on how to make the transition from career to home-worker, perks and benefits of being at home, difficulties you've overcome, cultural assumptions and lies about "housewives," and the list goes on... (Obviously this will pertain more to women than to men, but men are by no means excluded and are welcome to share about the importance of home life as well).

Date: June 1st will be the big "party," so be sure and spread the word. We will post the articles and their respective links on our new site on June 1st, as well as feature some in June's newsletter (also sent out June 1st).

Contributor Requirements: Article(s) can be written via your blog and the link sent our way, OR (especially for those of you who do not have blogs or websites--we really want to here from you too!) simply typed out and emailed to us. Articles need to be submitted by May 25th. Send entries to admin AT choosinghome DOT com with the following information included:

1.) Your name,

2.) Your website/blog address (if applicable),

3.) The link to your article (or the typed-out article) you are submitting,

4.) A three line "biography" about yourself.

Special Note: There will be special prizes given (award catagories are top secret--sorry!) and every participant will recieve a special *gift* from Choosing Home. Award winners will be announced June 1st on the site.

Please feel free to spread the word--the more participating, the merrier! And do let us know (in the comments box below) if you help us advertise so that we can be sure and thank you publically!