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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Christian Coalition Blog

I have always appreciated the work of the Christian Coalition. Their voter guides are a great help when sifting through the candidates and issues. I just found out they have a blog and their voter guides are online.

Thanks to La Shawn Barber for the link.

Housework in Dresses: A Photobiography (Part 3)

Wednesday is Gardening Day but rain, a family feeling under the weather, and a snake conspired to prevent me from doing the tasks I had planned. No pruning, no weed-pulling, no bagging cut branches. Well, I did get to bag a few cut branches. Today is just one of those days when people sleep in, play hooky, and chill. People meaning me.

This morning I dressed in working clothes because I expected to be gardening. See, I am wearing the "homeschool mom uniform" today. Even Mrs. Happy Housewife doesn't get gussied up everyday. I have on a $5 Pierre Cardin top (consignment shop), a free jumper (gift), a free red scarf (MIL), and free sandals (gift). Today, I've washed dishes, dusted the living room, cleaned the master bathroom sink area, folded a blanket with S, folded the kitchen linens I washed yesterday, bagged some cut branches, washed a load of swimming towels and bathing suits from Monday I'd forgotten, and doctored a sick D.

Q & A: How old is Mrs. Happy Housewife?

Q. Crystal said...
I'm enjoying your pictures! My husband clicked on your link and asked me last night who took the pictures. I told him your daughter and he gave me this funny look. When I asked him why, he said he didn't think you looked old enough to have a daughter who could take pictures!! :)
A. I know Crystal didn't really ask my age but I am 29 and will be 30 next January. My daughter will be 10 next month. You can do the math. Does that make me a child bride? When I was a young wife and mother, I was often mistaken for being somewhere between 12 and 15. You can't imagine the dirty looks I would get strolling through the mall with my baby daughter. I'd love to know just how old Crystal's husband thinks I look. I have plenty of white hairs (thankfully well hidden in my thick hair) and I found my first wrinkle this week. It's a crease above my right eye caused by raising my eyebrows too much.

When I was 22, the apartment above ours burned and the smoke and water damaged most of our belongings. We had renter's insurance and called our agent to come out. She had never met me in person. When I went outside to meet her she asked if my mom was home. I said I was the mom. This has happened a million times with door-to-door salesmen. It hasn't happened in a while so I appreciate anyone thinking I look too young to have a child who can use a camera.

Q & A: Scarves As Headbands

Q.Bethgem said...

This is nice, too. I like how you do your hair with those scarves. How do you get them to stay? This one really brightens up the whole outfit.
A. I flip my head upside-down and tie the scarf tightly at the nape of my neck. At first, they would slip but I soon learned to tie them tighter and they stay on pretty well now.

Vintage eBay

Love vintage aprons and purses? Don't forget to search on eBay.

Cup-a-Cake Revisited

Months ago I posted about the Cup-a-Cake, a container for traveling cupcakes. This week I noticed that the Baker's Catalogue is now selling a set of Cup-a-Cakes for $5.95. However, it is currently on backorder and it appears you can't choose your Cup-a-Cake colors. The Baker's Catalogue is also selling a cupcake tree for a baker's dozen cupcakes. This is perfect for a birthday party or afternoon tea party.

Also from the Baker's Catalogue: a Take-it-along Timer and free goodies for joining the Baking Circle.

How to Make a Fabric Corsage

The instructions for making a cute fabric corsage like the one above are here.

Misleading Food Names

I love Wikipedia. Sometimes I just click on random article and meander around Wikipedia reading interesting tidbits of minutia. Yesterday, in addition to learning that Bonnie Prince Charlie is buried in St. Peter's Basilica and that Anglo-Saxons fleeing the Norman invasion settled in the Byzantine Empire, I came across a list of misleading food names. I was happy to finally learn the truth about Welsh Rarebit, Head cheese, and mincemeat. I've come across these foods frequently in my readings and have never known what they really were. Now I know and, if you click on the links, you will too.

BTW, I already knew what Rocky Mountain oysters were. I once heard Reba McEntire's wistful description of eating them as a girl. Eww.