Another Week, Another Mary Kay
I'd like to know why every week I find a news article of a new female teacher arrested for committing sexual crimes against a male student. With few exceptions, these women have been young, blonde, and pretty. Pamela Rogers Turner of Tennessee (pictured above) is a perfect example. One of these teacher-rapists even taught at my old junior high school. Why is this such a trend lately and why haven't these women been treated like the evil, vile criminals they are? Turner is getting nine months in jail and eight years probation. Would this be her sentence is she were a man? I hear men lament that there were no "Mary Kays" when they were in school. If my son was a victim of a pedophile, man or woman, I would want that person to stay in prison until he or she was old and gray. Turner raped a thirteen year old child and all she gets is nine months in jail. Where is Justice and who removed her blindfold?