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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

DCF Kidnaps Newborn For "Prospective Neglect''

As a mother, I am appalled at the the behavior of the Florida Department of Children & Families. You can read the beginning, middle, and current parts of the story for yourself. In a nutshell, Parita Patel, a young, married landowner from rural India, came to the U.S. to visit friends. She found out she was pregnant while visiting America and was later hit by a car. Doctors told her not to fly back to India so she came to Florida to spend the rest of her pregnancy with her husband's friends. She gave birth early due to injuries from the accident and the Florida DCF took her child away because of "prospective neglect."

That's right, she might, in the future, neglect her child so let's not give her the chance. I've heard this tale before - in the Sci-Fi movie Minority Report. Thankfully, mother and daughter have been reunited due to a helpful hospital nurse and a supportive, local Indian community but the philosophy of our DCF remains clear: children can be taken if DCF thinks there is a possibility of neglect. I wonder which innocent mother will be the next to sob for her taken child and how long will it be before another parent is left with nothing but a photograph.

Free JCPenney Fall/Winter Catalog + $5 Off Certificate

I received an extra postcard today for a free catalog and $5 off certificate. I'm offering it to anyone who wants it. Just email me your address and I'll mail the postcard to you first thing tomorrow.The postcard is now spoken for.

Bye, Bye, Scotty

I admit it - I'm a Trekkie - so I'm sad to hear James Doohan (85), of Star Trek infamy, died this morning of pneumonia and Alzheimer's disease. A Canadian who at 19 lost a finger on D-Day, Doohan was known to many as the talented and accented Scottish engineer of the Starship Enterprise. He was also the inventor of the Klingon language. He lived long and prospered and, hopefully, God's beamed him up.

Free Homeschooling Software

Homeschool Tracker offers a free, basic version of their homeschooling software.
The Homeschool Tracker is a homeschool planning, recordkeeping and reporting software program for your Microsoft Windows computer. Whether or not your state or school district has strict reporting requirements, with Tracker's powerful and easy to use planning and scheduling features you will want to use the Tracker, not only for your mandatory recording and reporting tasks, but every day for planning and recording of assignments, chores, goals, schedules, events, reading lists, attendance, grades/scores and more. Read success stories and praise for Tracker written by some of our users.

Alert the Fashion Police

When I was young, my mother gave me a Rose is Rose comic strip she had cut from the newspaper. The little boy in it wished to wear summer clothes during the winter. When his mother denied his request, he complained, "But it matches." My mother was attempting to teach me that there was a time and a place for different kinds of clothing. I (eventually) learned the lesson but it seems many people today need some Rose is Rose advice. Whether it's pajamas at school or flip flops in the White House, it just appears as though society at large is confused as to what to wear and when.

If you look closely at the photo, you can see many lovely ladies in pretty skirts and dresses. The young ladies of Northwestern University's national championship women's lacrosse team weren't trying to be disrespectful:

The players have defended their attire, arguing they wore a dressier version of the casual sandal. "Nobody was wearing old beach flip-flops," said Josephs, who wore a $16 brown pair with rhinestones. Darmody, 22, added: "I tried to think of something that would go well with my outfit and at the same time not be that uncomfortable. But at the same time not disrespect the White House."

Yet, somehow they reached adulthood without learning that just because it matches doesn't mean you should wear it.

Last Sunday, our family went to brunch at Denny's and I almost got whiplash from the double-take I made when we passed a group of women my own age, each wearing flannel pajamas and flip-flops. I have never wanted to be a member of the fashion police more than at that moment. I would have written them a ticket:

Dear Miss,

Please bother to wear proper attire. It would really mean a lot to those of us who are forced to see you. Also, you will be treated nicer and will feel better about yourself. Comfort doesn't mean sacrificing your self-respect.

Fashion Police

Pretty Spice Jars

This is silly but you really should take a look at Donna's pretty spice rack. They are just too adorable.

"Jennie B. and the Pilot - a Father/Daughter Love Story" Free Download!

Great news! Old Paths is offering a free download of the highly-sought-after message given by Jennie Chancey (of Ladies Against Feminism and Sense and Sensibility) at Vision Forum's 2005 Father/Daughter Retreat.

Entitled "Jennie B. and the Pilot - a Father/Daughter Love Story", this wonderful message, will encourage and inspire you (and most likely move you to tears!)! A loving tribute to Mrs. Chancey's father, as well as a clear and beautiful explanation of Biblical womanhood. This message also includes Mrs. Chancey's testimony of being homeschooled, going away to college, being indoctrinated into feminist thinking there and, finally, her journey out of feminism. Highly recommended, especially for young, unmarried women still under their father's roof. Gather the family together to listen (little boys will enjoy hearing the stories about Mrs. Chancey's pilot father)! This message is not copyrighted so please feel free to distribute it to others!

Thanks to Crystal for the link.