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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Another Book I'm Reviewing for Mind & Media

This is the second book I'm reviewing for Mind & Media. You can get more info by clicking on the book cover on the right side of the page. Stay tuned this week for an upcoming review of "The Thinking Toolbox" by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn.


After reading this post on Chai, I decided I wanted to make my own. I've never drunk it and didn't even know what it was until I read the post. After reading more about Chai at Wikipedia, I attempted it. If you are a Chai expert, you may wish to skip the rest of this post as my Chai inexperience may offend you.

I boiled a cup of water and some spices. I used lots of nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla extract. I removed the pot from the eye and added 4 cups of milk. I brought the pot barely back to a boil. I removed the pot from the eye. I added two English Breakfast tea bags and put the lid on the pot to steep. After a few minutes, I squeezed the tea bags out and poured the "Chai" into mugs. In each mug I added 2 tablespoons honey and stirred.

Overall, I liked my Chai. It was something different. My guinea pigs...I mean, my kids...liked it, too. I think next time I will try chilling it before drinking it because we aren't used to warm milk at our house and that was a little weird for us. I also think I will use cinnamon sticks (which I didn't have) and add sugar instead of honey.

FlyLady's Camp GonnaWannaFly

This week FlyLady is having Camp GonnaWannaFly for the kids. Visit the Camp GonnaWannaFly page of her website here. The pdf of the Camp Control Journal is here. Take a look; this is cute and will be fun for the kids. I printed out a Camp Control Journal for each kid and can't wait to show them to them tomorrow. It's a nice thing for those of us who aren't sending the kids to stay-away camp.

This Week in Review

(July 3, 2005 - July 9, 2005)

Sunday: Shopped for some groceries for Independence Day.

Monday: Independence Day. H grilled and I fixed some sides and dessert. We relaxed the rest of the day.

Tuesday: Homeschooling. Laundry Day. Construction on family room/porch continued.

Wednesday: Homeschooling. Construction continued. H went to school after work.

Thursday: Construction continues. Visited SIL and nephews at their house. My youngest nephew, R, is a sack of potatoes; at 7 mo. he is25 lbs. He's a cutie and is learning to crawl. It's hard for him just to lift that Buddha Belly off the floor.

Friday: Homeschooling. Construction continues. I got a sinus headache and resorted to Tylenol 3. Watched "Bride and Prejudice" with H. Bollywood is so funny. Everyone would just break out in song. H said it was corny but I think he liked part of it. No nudity or violence but there was some suggestive language. I wouldn't watch it with kids.

Saturday:Watched a lot of news. Worried a bit about Hurricane Dennis. I did laundry to distract myself. I set up my CafePress gift shop. H went to help a friend with some construction work; he came home late. D and I stayed up watching Animal Planet until H got home.

James Madison on the Ten Commandments

We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.
- James Madison, "Architect" of the Constitution

2005 Hurricane Countdown

Arlene - TS /June 8-14 / landfall near Pensacola, FL/ 1 death
Bret - TS / June 28-29 / landfall Mexico
Cindy - TS / July 5 / landfall Louisiana
Dennis - H / July 5-? / landfall Cuba & Pensacola, FL / 3 deaths
Emily - H / July 11 / landfall Mexico
Franklin - TS / July / landfall?
Gert - TD / July / landfall Mexico


You've probably already heard the news of the Panda birth at the National Zoo. At their website you can see the pandas for yourself on the PandaCam. The website also has a lot of info on Pandas and activities for kids.

More Blog Wear

Crystal has also opened a shop at CafePress. You really should check out her cute blog wear. I especially like her "Will Blog for Food" shirt.