(July 3, 2005 - July 9, 2005)
Sunday: Shopped for some groceries for Independence Day.
Monday: Independence Day. H grilled and I fixed some sides and dessert. We relaxed the rest of the day.
Tuesday: Homeschooling. Laundry Day. Construction on family room/porch continued.
Wednesday: Homeschooling. Construction continued. H went to school after work.
Thursday: Construction continues. Visited SIL and nephews at their house. My youngest nephew, R, is a sack of potatoes; at 7 mo. he is25 lbs. He's a cutie and is learning to crawl. It's hard for him just to lift that Buddha Belly off the floor.
Friday: Homeschooling. Construction continues. I got a sinus headache and resorted to Tylenol 3. Watched "Bride and Prejudice" with H. Bollywood is so funny. Everyone would just break out in song. H said it was corny but I think he liked part of it. No nudity or violence but there was some suggestive language. I wouldn't watch it with kids.
Saturday:Watched a lot of news. Worried a bit about Hurricane Dennis. I did laundry to distract myself. I set up my CafePress gift shop. H went to help a friend with some construction work; he came home late. D and I stayed up watching Animal Planet until H got home.