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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Free Scholastic 20% Off Code

I have a Scholastic Store 20% off code I earned for completing a survey. I will not be using it so it's available. Please email me and I'll email the code to you. This discount code is now spoken for.

"I Want to Be a Children's Book Writer" Contest 2005

Do you dream of writing a children's picture book and having it published? Your dream could come true if you enter the Woman's Day/Scholastic Book Clubs' "I Want to Be a Children's Book Writer" Contest 2005.

The grand-prize winner's manuscript will be illustrated, published and distributed by Scholastic Book Clubs, the nation's largest school book club. The grand-prize winner will also receive a set of five autographed hardcover picture books from Scholastic.

Ten runners-up will receive a set of five autographed hardcover picture books from Scholastic and their entries may be featured on womansday.com and scholastic.com

To enter:Submit a manuscript for a picture book (text only, 500 word limit), following these steps:
1. Fold eight (8) pages of 8 1/2" x 11" pieces of paper in half to create a total of 32 pages (standard picture book length).

2. Write your name, address, daytime telephone number, and e-mail address on the front.

3. Write your story, approximately two (2) sentences per page.

Mail your entry to:WD Children's Book Writer ContestDept. C075N, Box 711Holmes, PA 19043
Deadline:Entries must be postmarked on or before September 30, 2005.

Official Rules here.

Thanks to Meredith for the link.


To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not, rich; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never; in a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common--this is my symphony.
--William Henry Channing

Contentment is sometimes difficult. The grass is always greener in someone else's yard but, as the saying goes, even greener grass still has to be mowed. It's easy to say, "If I had such-and-such I would be happy." If money and things could bring true happiness, then why are the rich so often lost and unhappy? I heard once of a Buddhist woman who said, "Things bring only temporary happiness." We can feel joy, or even ecstasy, for but a moment and then, like the fleeting breeze, our happiness has passed. As Mr. Channing says in this quote, there is a difference between being wealthy and being rich. One requires much money while the other requires nothing more but to examine your life and find contentment "with small means."

Thanks to TulipGirl and Randi (I Have to Say) for posting this wonderful quote.

Preserving the Summer Bounty

Country Living online has a great article on canning summer fruits and vegetables. They offer many canning tips and some delicious-sounding recipes, such as Champagne and Grape Jelly and Sweet-Corn Relish. I may be attempting the Perfect Strawberry Preserves myself.

Death and Popcorn

Mrs. Happy Housewife isn't feeling so happy right now. One of my first blog posts was about a wonderful, Tampa popcorn shop. The owners, two adult brothers and their mother, were very kind. One of the brothers was particularly generous, giving free candy to my children and giving our family a set of ceramic popcorn bowls when we told him how delicious his popcorn was. Today, our local news reports that man's murder. It is a very sad situation. My prayers are with his family.

Is My Blog Burning? XVII: TasteTea

Sunday, July 31st is the date for this month's Is My Blog Burning? (IMBB?). The theme is tea. I shall be participating in this food blogging event as I so enjoyed concocting (and eating) my Parlez Vous Parfait for this month's Sugar High Friday. Speaking of which, I must cook another batch of granola soon as it has nearly disappeared. It is so fantabulous. Just ask H who has been eating it by the spoonful straight from the Tupperware.